A Mama’s heart

Stay with me in this. I know I’m not the only one. The other day, Stephen and I were discussing how long it’d been since I had a Mother’s Day to myself. Neither of us could remember. We’ve spent the day with either Mom (his) while she was here on earth, Mama ( mine), or both. Then we tried to remember how long it’d been since I had a day just for me…couldn’t remember that either.

This is about my mama heart..not my wife/daughter heart.  Y’all, I long for/crave a day for me. More specifically, I crave/long for a day for me that ALL  my “boys” spend with me…for me. I want to feel appreciated, loved, and celebrated for that one day. In the past, I asked for that day. Years ago, I stopped hoping and asking. 

My heart feels for those without mothers, without children, or who grieve a child. My heart is joyful that I have the privilege of spending Mother’s Day (and more) with my Mama. My heart is happy that she is celebrated. My heart is grateful for my boys. Also….my heart hurts/is broken a bit for me. I feel that deeply today. You know what? Its okay to feel that. It’s okay to acknowledge and own that. It’s okay to be thankful for my boys  and yet hurt and sad for what isn’t.

Nature and “the farm” update.

Number 2 son and dil saw an owl last weekend while we were gone. We’re sure it’s there for the cicadas. We have a lot. I’ll be glad when they’re gone. I don’t mind the annual ones. Periodical ones are annoying. Lol. But we know it’s part of the process, and they won’t be around after a few more weeks.

The baby birds that hatched in our camping bag are doing well and will soon “fly the nest”.  We’ve enjoyed them.

Our dil saw a snake outside Friday night. She thought it was a copperhead. It’s a rat snake, so I told her to let it be. 🙂

I love it when Mom’s (my mother law) roses bloom. She’s been gone a few years now. Makes me miss her more. But it also makes me smile and think of the good times.

Peaches was more interested in watching the cat video than eating. 😅🤣

My younger brother came up. He arrived after I got Mama to bed on Friday and left around 10:30 this a.m.  While I still had the same responsibilities, he did cook a meal yesterday (which Stephen usually does), did most of the transferring of Mama, and cut the grass/picked up sticks. It was good to spend some time with him. Stephen was going to cut the grass last weekend, but Daddy told him not too. I think he thinks Stephen does enough each weekend. Mama is about the same. I’m grateful we have time with them each weekend.

Tomorrow, back to the normal week. I’m also working on the summer schedule since several want to double up, and I have several on my waiting list. I’m going to be even busier than I am currently.

This, That, and The Other

Dessert before supper on the way to the farm.  

You’re never too old for box fun.

Stephen and Cutie camped out in hammocks at the farm. They loved it.

Mama went to the orthopedic doctor on Monday. She has permission to put weight on her bad leg. We hope and pray she will. Mentally, she seems to be going down fairly quickly.

My younger brother will be visiting this weekend. On Saturday and Sunday, he can do things Stephen usually does, but we still need to be there because I need to change and dress Mama.  It’s the only real break Daddy gets.

Mama and Cutie hugging and loving on each other.