Little Cutie’s loft bed.  It’s a loft bed, playhouse/play area all rolled into one.  She’s ecstatic.  We all think Stephen did an awesome job.  Fun.  Plus, I got her mom to finally go through all her toys with her and put some aside to take to my parents to leave there, some to give away and the rest to organize.  I did a lot of the cleaning up, vacuuming, etc (otherwise it doesn’t get done) and told LC that if she messes it up again, I give away toys.  She knows I’m serious so…We had to rearrange her room to make room for the loft.  She has LOADS of books (thanks to the used book store (where we trade in) and family and friends.  I took all the books off her tall bookshelf, moved it and put them all back on.  Her room looks great now.  In the photos you can see the chalkboard area I painted.  We may hang a couple of pics in there but other than that, it’s done. 😉  Her huge desk (bought from “One Man’s Junk”) is to the left and has her small Christmas tree on it. The princess in the window is a lamp gotten at a yard sale. 

Stephen’s body temp is always pretty warm.  He can actually place his hand where ice it and it melts.  We don’t need an ice scrapper.  Here, it’s gone from icy a.m.’s and in the 40’s back up to the high 60’s.  Crazy.  I truly want some snow though. 😉

As soon as Little Cutie gets back w/her mom (from her mom’s family get together), we’ll make cookies, go look at lights, and have our treasure hunt.  I’m looking forward to having these traditions with her this year. 😉

Little Cutie’s hand print cards we made. ;- )

Merry Christmas!!

21 thoughts on “

  1. Wonderful! 🙂

    LC’s loft bed is amazing! Great job, Stephen!
    The hand print cards are precious and cute!

    Happy Christmas to all of you!!! 🙂
    HUGS, too!!! 🙂
    PS…Being a night-owl-person helps me get everything accomplished! Ha! I am the only one awake right now…everyone else in our house is snoozing! I am sending some Christmas wishes on WP and then I am off to bed…so Santy can visit! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • She adores it and Stephen did a great job. I’m grateful her parents were willing to buy the materials as it was truly all she wanted. It’ll be a favorite for many years and easily changed if needed as she grows.


  2. Wow..Stephen DID do an awesome job. Well done…
    And so happy you are all happy… And that you all had a lovely Christmas…
    Sending you Happy thoughts, Lots of Love and Well wishes for 2020 dear Elizabeth.. May it bring you great Joy, Good Health, and Less stress, Less hard work… but oh so much LOVE..

    Have a wonderful New Year my friend… Take each day as it comes.. and remember to Breatheeeeeeee…….. and take a breather every now and again..
    From my heart to your heart.. ❤
    Sue ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Elizabeth just need to flag you that I’ve given Gary, single bereaved father, your blog address.

    He is struggling with his son’s schooling and asking about home tutoring. You are the most organised super busy practical one on these matters so I instantly thought of you and suggested he visit with his questions.

    Know you wont mind but hoping that you have time to help him with more practical ideas, thanks precious 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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