Catching Up…

Christmas Eve was awesome because Little Cutie and her family were here for the first time in about 3 years the entire time. 😉 .  We did all our family traditions: making sugar cookies (some for Santa lol), going out and looking at lights, stopping and getting a drink as a treat while out, treasure hunt for Little Cutie, etc.  A small inexpensive train was her treasure hunt gift. 

Christmas Day was a blast..watching Little Cutie get so excited about her presents.  Simple things but wanted and loved by her, eating a HUGE brunch (cooked by Stephen), “vegging” the rest of the day, watching movies, etc and pizza for supper.  We totally enjoyed our time together.  For a few years, I’ve been trying to get LC’s parents to get her a battery for her big jeep that a friend of mine got her.  She’s had it for about 3 years but unable to ride it.  This year they could afford it so..It’s a favorite thing of her and it has been such fun watching her enjoy it.  My favorite gift was from Stephen.  A couple months back, my mama gave me her mama’s class ring and a pin.  The sets in both were ‘out’.  Stephen had them fixed for me. Treasured items.  Made me and my mama cry. 😉

The visit to my parents and son #3 was mostly great.  Busy and tiring too.  Son #3 took us to see a movie and got us popcorn and drinks too.  My sister and oldest brother visited. My younger brother called.  Long story short and private story kept private, he’s caused a lot of heartache, hurt, and anger, in our family.  I love him, but, y’all, if I could punch him I would.

Little Cutie ended up on our karate page’s profile pic.  Love it!


We are still working on how to either enclose our porch or add a room for the upcoming addition..Oh did I share that?  Yeah…DIL #2 is pregnant.  Of course, since we lost Vincent we worry.  She is high risk so this time there are more Dr. visits.  We don’t really have the money to add on or enclose the porch and yet…seems we are going to have to.  I already stress over the ‘work’ a baby will add. But we are still grateful and happy.  With our situation, it’s more like adding another child instead of a grandchild but y’all already know that. 


Little Cutie’s  ‘adopted’ grandmama gave her some things including a book (Harold and the Purple Crayon) and a canvas and purple marker.  She loved it.  That is her and a house in the top part of the pic and me, her and a candy tree in the bottom part.  Love this book.  Such fun.  A great aunt and uncle gave her a ‘paint your own’ cupcake bank.  She loves art.  It’s often the center she chooses. 

Lastly, I’m back at tutoring and home school.  I’m up to 9 students now with 2 more on a waiting list.  It’s a sad situation so I’m praying about some rearranging to see if I can work them in.  Also got red added to my hair..hope it stays.  We shall see.   

21 thoughts on “Catching Up…

  1. Sounds like a wonderful Christmas celebration! LC is at the perfect age to do all the traditions – old enough to enjoy them and see them as awe inspiring and still young enough to want to do all of them with you! I love the photo of her cutting out the cookies – such concentration. Congrats to DIL#2 I will add her to my prayer list (seems it is getting longer every day)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. My prayer list continues to grow as well.
      She is…and will be for a few more years. We had a blast and made a lot of memories. I do believe if they decide to go back to son #1’s this year, they will find it a lot more difficult with a baby.


    • I didn’t have a say in the ‘another child’ so..But we are praying and hoping as b/c of issues they can’t try again after this. A boy would carry on our name and either way it will be our first blood grandchild which isn’t important except for carrying on our bloodline/dna. Our firstborn won’t have children and our last may not. We shall see. But..they don’t live with us so..there’s that. LOL.
      LC had her mom dye her hair purple..which came out more eggplant but is cute and slowly washes out. 😉


  2. I loved sharing in all of you joy and no I had not known about another Child with your DIL.. Wonderful, I hope and pray all goes well…. It will be a tense time for all… I understand that emotional journey so well, my own DIL having lost two prior to the birth of our Granddaughter
    I hope you manage to work in the other two students Elizabeth and I love your hair… 🙂
    Have a wonderful 2020 my friend.. I have a feeling everything will work out just fine…

    Love and warm Hugs your way my friend… Take care of you too remember.. Try to work that into your 2020 mantra….
    Much love my special friend.. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sounds like a wonderful holidays and Christmas!
    The ring and pin are beautiful and so preciously wonderful! 🙂
    Congrats on the baby! Prayers, for sure, for your DIL!
    Love the red hair! Very Dec, Jan, and Feb! Red is so fitting this time of the year!
    HUGS!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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